Christmas Cheer 2022
By coordinator In Uncategorized On November 30, 2022
How you can help

We are well on the way to collecting all of our Santa boxes back. If you have not dropped off your box please do so as soon as possible.
People have been asking how they can still help. If you would like to make a financial contribution you can do so here
We are very short of the following items
- Grocery Gift cards – any store.
- Toiletry items – shampoo, deodorant, lotion
- SM and medium mens clothes/underwear
- XL mens sweaters and sweatshirts.
If you would like to donate any of these items, you can drop them off to the warehouse at 7139 44 Street SE, the door is beside dock 15. M-Sat 10-4:30.
Thanks to everyone who has volunteered so far to make this a fantastic year! Thank you as well to our Skyline Industrial REIT for the donation of the beautiful warehouse space.