Our Programs

Birthday Cheer
The Birthday Cheer program includes a monthly delivery to seniors who are celebrating a birthday. Gift bags include a mix of items such as toiletries, crossword puzzles, cookies, tea and other small gifts to make their day special.

Christmas Cheer
The Christmas Cheer program was the first program founded by Seniors Secret Service. This program was built to give back to isolated seniors in our community by donating personalized gifts to individual seniors from their own personal Secret Santa.

Emergency Care Program
The Emergency Care Program supports seniors, who have arrived in hospitals or long-term care facilities with nothing but the clothes on their backs, by providing them with the basic essentials of life – socks, undergarments, pants and tops.

Spring Cheer
Every spring, we deliver gifts to seniors to spread cheer throughout the year. Whether it’s gift cards, handmade artwork from elementary school volunteers, or other treats, we want our seniors to feel thought of and appreciated all year
Other Ways You Can Help
Santa’s Wish List
We often have seniors who are added to our list at the last minute who need gifts or have gifts that aren’t returned by the Santa. We have a curated list of items that you can pick from and donate to this cause to directly help seniors in need during the holiday season.
Non-Senior Seniors
As we have every year, there are a small number of people on our list who do not technically qualify as seniors. These folks for the most part live in 24-hour care facilities due to a debilitating illness or injury. They are individuals who do not have family support and are alone at Christmas. We are looking for a few Santas who might be willing to take on a non-senior senior.
If you would be interested in providing a gift for one of our underage folks please send an email to coordinator@seniorssecretservice.com
Hospital Gifts
Each year we supply over 300 gifts to Calgary area hospitals for those seniors who are alone in the hospital over Christmas. These gifts are considerably smaller than a regular gift. Here is an example of the hospital profile for a lady gift.
Warm Blanket that is Feminine or Pashmina, Socks with Grips, Toiletry Kit with Full Sized Product (Toothpaste, Shampoo, a Hairbrush, a Toothbrush, and Deodorant), Christmas Stuffie, Crossword/Word Search – Large Print, Adult Coloring Book & Markers, Magazine (Ex: Chatelaine, Hello).
If you would like to put together a hospital gift please email coordinator@seniorssecretservice.com and we will send you a profile. You will need to pick up a box for these gifts as well.
Volunteers Needed
Please email coordinator@seniorssecretservice.com to receive the sign-up email, coming mid-November
and help local Seniors
We are committed to bringing cheer to Calgary’s vulnerable seniors. But we can’t do it alone. Help us make isolated seniors feel less lonely and forgotten.
Your donation helps us pay for:
• Warehouse / Office rental fees
• Emergency Support Gifts
• Birthday Cheer Items
• Deliveries
• Christmas Cheer Gifts
A sincere thanks to the many volunteer Santas who support our seniors by donating gifts. Seniors Secret Service has a large donor base of individuals, service clubs, and organizations that contribute resources in the form of gift-in-kind donations. We anticipate 6500 seniors and Santas to be matched this holiday season.
We are also so grateful for the organizations who sponsor us.