Next Steps
Thank you for supporting Seniors Christmas Cheer.

Pick up your box(es)
We have established locations for box distribution and would like to extend our deepest thanks to London Drugs, and Glitch Gaming in Airdrie for their support.
Boxes will be available starting October 24th in Calgary and October 26th in Airdrie.
Participating Calgary London Drugs Stores
Please see here for store hours:
8120 Beddington Blvd NW
8888 Country Hills Blvd NW
3630 Brentwood Road NW
4701 – 130th Avenue. SE
8330 MacLeod Trail SE
5255 Richmond Road SW
3545 – 32nd Avenue NE
325 Shawville Blvd SE
Airdrie Box Pick Up
Glitch Gaming Lounge is located at:
127 Kingsview Rd SE Unit #203 Airdrie
Hours are
Thursday: 3pm – 10pm
Friday: 2pm – 1am
Saturday: 11am – 1am
Sunday: Noon – 8pm

Shop for your Senior
Your gifts must fit into the 16” x 12” x 12” box. Please note you cannot use your own box or bag.
Wrap your individual gifts if you like, and place them in the box. DO NOT WRAP THE BOX! There is important info on the outside for our volunteer team. We encourage you to decorate the outside, but please don’t wrap the box or colour over the senior’s information.
Prepare a list of all items in the box and tape this list on the outside of the box on the top flap.
In Sharpie, fill in the indicated space on the outside of the box with:
Your senior’s name
The senior’s ID#
The site ID#
Refer to your profile for this info.

An example of a correctly filled out & decorated box!
• Ensure all items fit into the ONE box provided by Seniors Secret Service.
• Ensure all gifts are new. Used items will be removed.
• Include gift receipts where possible, especially for clothing.
• Include activation slip with gift cards – this is important! Sometimes cards don’t activate properly.
• Place all gift cards and gift receipts in a small envelope inside the box, to ensure they are not lost.
• Ensure all clothing is machine washable.
• Sign cards and letters from Santa.
• Feel free to include kid art with your gift, seniors love it!
• We encourage you to decorate your box!
• Need a Tax Receipt? Please do not include these in the senior’s gift. Email a copy of your receipts to:
• Don’t use more than ONE box – all items for a single senior must fit into the provided box.
• Don’t drop off gifts at box pick up locations! Gifts are only accepted at the police stations indicated at Step 3 of this page and only on the specific dates.
• Don’t include candles or alcoholic beverages, unless specifically requested.
• Don’t include live plants or perishable foods. (Store bought cookies and treats are fine!)
• Don’t include your own name or personal information on any items, cards or packaging. (Letters from children are ok)
• Don’t include your senior’s profile in the box. That’s for your eyes only!
• Don’t include your tax receipt information with the seniors’ gift.
Drop your box off
Watch your inbox for 2024 drop off dates!
Drop your box off at one of the following locations :
District 1: 1010 26 Avenue S.E.
District 2: 4506 17 Avenue S.W.
District 4: 3207 12 Ave NE
District 8: 450 Midpark Way S.E.
Spyhill Services Centre: 12500 85 Street N.W
For anyone who cannot make the drop-off weekend, we will be accepting gifts at the Christmas warehouse. Please call 403-257-8339 to make arrangements.
Thank you in advance for your willingness to be flexible, enabling us to reach as many isolated seniors as possible.

Please contact Andrea at 403-257-8339 or at with any questions.
Thanks to you we will adopt over 6500 seniors this Christmas season! We couldn’t do this without your generous support.