Our Programs

Christmas Cheer

The Birthday Cheer program recognizes isolated seniors on their special day. Seniors receive a handmade birthday card as well as a gift bag filled with toiletry items.

Christmas Cheer

The Christmas Cheer program was the first program founded by Seniors Secret Service. This program was built to give back to isolated seniors in our community by donating personalized gifts to individual seniors from their own personal Secret Santa.

Emergency Care Program

The Emergency Care Program supports seniors, who have arrived in hospitals or long-term care facilities with nothing but the clothes on their backs, by providing them with the basic essentials of life – socks, undergarments, pants and tops.

Santa’s Wish List

We often have seniors who are added to our list at the last minute who need gifts or have gifts that aren’t returned by the Santa.   Last year we made gifts for over 300 additional seniors with items that were donated from the wish list.